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3 # Spiel

3 # Spiel

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And can a boundary between work and play even be drawn in a time of educational games, professional cosplayers, the "Hunger Games," and gaming addicts? Is the opposite of play really seriousness, or is it, as Freud already wrote in 1930, rather reality that disrupts our play?

We explore this and more in our third issue through an extensive series of interviews with children, puppeteers, game designers, and actresses. Featured in the interviews: Nikolaus Habjan, Bibiana Beglau, Dimitry Halley, Lina & Lotta Goralczyk, Arve Fühler, Verena Richter, Lore Pause, and the group Pajan Maer–players.


Und lässt sich in einer Zeit der Lernspiele, professionellen Cosplayer, der »Hunger Games« und Spielsüchtigen überhaupt noch eine Grenze zwischen Arbeit und Spiel ziehen? Ist das Gegenteil von Spiel überhaupt Ernst oder ist es, wie Freud 1930 schon schreibt, nicht vielmehr die Wirklichkeit, die unser Spiel stört?

Das und anderes fragen wir in unserer dritten Ausgabe in einer großen Interviewreihe unter anderem Kinder, Puppenspieler, Spieleautoren und Schauspielerinnen. Im Interview: Nikolaus Habjan, Bibiana Beglau, Dimitry Halley, Lina & Lotta Goralczyk, Arve Fühler, Verena Richter, Lore Pause sowie die Gruppe Pajan Maer–Spielerïnnen
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This product is designed and sold by — [kon] Paper

Country — Germany

Shipping information — Germany: 1,60€

About — In every issue of kon Paper, [kon]notations, [kon]texts and [kon]troversies are investigated, while experimenting and exploring the intersections and boundaries between text and design, between content and form.

How poetic can academic and journalistic writing become? How might poetry shift into the journalistic when published in a newspaper? And what new ways of reading can be established when essay, poem and column converge?

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